Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lust Till the Last

Lust, lust and Lust which will burn my desires till the last
the burning desires

pain and pain

one day you will break your silence,
on the landscape of the pain
you will spread like the rain

the rain I loved like a little child,
the rain I hated like a daily labor
the rain I felt like a crying beauty
the rain I desired like a wounded young love...

my rain
probably I was waiting for you
when you were the cloud...!!!

come along, reach me, love me, hold me tight
breaking the silence of the mountain !!!

I might fall short of my emotions,
I would pain you like the scorching sun...
and then I would start loving you,
with my lust till the last.... :-)


  1. :-) lasting lust...told u the same thing when I first heard speaks of many things!
